Terms and Conditions

All orders placed are sent tracked, but things do still go wrong! Once I've taken the orders to the Post Office, it is completely out of my hands. Due to a massive influx in 'Lost orders' during the pandemic I've had to up the cost of my postage and send ALL orders tracked.

As I'm sure you can understand, some peoples orders are suffering from delays, many of which have been forcibly refunded through Paypal, which means there is very little I can do about it.

I am just one person, I like to give off the illusion that Ecchi Cult is this huge secret organisation but really everything is drawn, packed, paid for, sent, addressed, formatted and written by me. So please understand sometimes emails and messages get lost or overlooked but I ALWAYS do my best to help people!

I know this section isn't particularly pleasant but I have to do this for my own security, there will be no refunds on orders that have taken too long to arrive, I have done everything I can to ensure things arrive to you in the shortest possible time whilst also costing you as little as possible in shipping fees.

That's not to say that orders will never be refunded, always feel free to contact me with and worries or questions you have, I will always endeavor to make sure nobody is unhappy! As long as I'm treated with respect, then you will be to :)

Now that horribleness is out of the way, lets be friends and I hope you enjoy my store! Welcome to the Ecchi Cult <3